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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blogging.. Wasting Time @ Spending Free Time Wisely ???

While learning how to create a blog (surely i would like to have one, if not y waste my time to learn it.. hihii..) a qusetion crossed my mind (wei.. ske2 mau lintas kah.. mnta permission dlu la.. adoiipun.. hahhah.. ) y ppl luf to hve a blog rite now?? R they juz luv to waste their precious (my preciouss... hihih...) time or r they spending time wisely?? From my P.O.V ( point if view bg spe2 yg kurang maklum ^,^) , blooging ni juz utk free time jer.. 

At least kiter xkacau org kn?? Hving fun to write, learn new things, get to know other ppl, shooping online (hahahha.. padah nyer klu rjin blogwalking ni la, pntang ader benda mnarik).. .. But its all dpend on that particular person la jugak kn.. As for me, i luv blogwalking cuz i luv reading other ppl experiences in life.. 

Sharing & caring la kengkonon.. hihih.. But its not a healthy life style sgt pun klu asik dok dpn PC kn.. hihi.. kte free time, spend sum here, & sum on other things.. hahah... hambek.. ayt kdg2 mlayu, kdg2 english.. xper. its juz a place wer i can talk & share my opinion.. adat la ckp cmpur2.. at least m learning.. (ceehhhh.. off topic plak.. ^,^).. actually this blog is also shared between me & ehem2.. dier yg create pn... sye tlg post pape yg rjin.. hahha. (dasar malas ckp jela..hihi..) nnt lah, next3 entry ktorg akn citer saper ktoeg nih.. & pjalanan hdup smpi la ktorg dok kt bumi borneo (I LUV BORNEO hokey...).. 

ni la ktorg.. (bkn 'ktorg', tp ni la kje ktorg... oooppss.. bkn yg tgk sports tu *abaikan tindakan itu.. hahha*) ktorg nyer kje cmni la dok jge kapal terbang yg tgh2 terbang tu.. (aksi kapal tu xterbayang la klu jd.. mnta jauh.... ^,^ )

ok ckup, sedikit imbasan utk nxt entry... to all reader.. thanx sbb spending ur time wisely dgn mmbce entry ni.. (hahah.. gne tjuk entry, jimat pemikiran ku..btw : ADER KER READER??? hiihih.. bia la prasan ader kn wpun hakikat tu xder.. huhuh.. ) till then, daaaaa...



  1. cantik laa background wall ejat..thumbs up!! :)

  2. to sdhouse : yg tukang amek gmbr.. hahaha.. skill mnyorok tanak glamer..hihi..

  3. to imma ibrahim : tenkiu2.. aiman malu la.. hahaha.. lama xbukak blog.. bizi... hihih..
